Friday, January 28, 2011

A Racial Divide

I have one student, TB, of whom I have talked entirely too much for my liking. He never shuts his mouth...ever. However, in his defense, some of the crap that comes out of his mouth is pretty funny and I can't help but laugh in the middle of class. He is as sarcastic as they come, but he's smart about it, so I have to give him some props. Today, while we were in class talking about our research papers and formatting them correctly, I had warned them that talking out would result in the entire class losing points - something they take seriously as of late despite being behind the other classes by at least 50 points. I wish I had video of this because the look TB gave me afterward was priceless.

A bit of necessary information:
CH is white and best friends with KF.
KF and TB are both black.

CH (whispering): "B, hey B..."

KF: "C, shut up! Don't ruin this for us."

(CB silently motions as if he's gonna throw his pencil at KF's head. TB sees it)

TB (turning to CH): "You better not do that if you don't want to get jumped by black people."

TB then turned to me and winked with a devious smile. I was proud that he was being satirical about the perceived racial tension - though surprisingly absent at our school - and making a joke of it. The way he said it though was the funniest part. CH had nothing to say back to that, he was beat.

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