Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Young Love...

I'm so mad at myself that I can't remember who I took this note from because I'm actually interested to know who's getting with who's man. I'll call them S1 for "Student 1" and S2 for "Student 2."

S1: "J's girlfriend is mad becaues she nows I can git him anytime I want to. She said she will fight for him and he said that I will win and hunrt her to."

S2: "OMG! so are you and J going out?"

S1: "No not yet but we will are you Ok and your boyfriend OK."

S2: "Yea but I didn't get to see him in 3 days I think his mom or dad takes him to school because it is cold outside."

S1: "ok cool."

S2: "does that mean he loves me if he comes down my bus stop everyday."

S1: "yes that way he does it."

S2: "oh why does he always smile when he sees me"

S1: "becaues he know you ok and you love him."

It reminds me of my courtship with my wife: I used to always go to her bus stop and she definitely had to bat off some hoes to get what she wanted...except for the whole part about me getting with other girls, that part's not true at all. But she did fight some beezies along the way. Young love.


  1. hahaha. I wish I knew who this was. I think I need to have a talk with those girls...

  2. Fight beezies off. Your wife would just have me make them hocus pocus them, and that would be the end of that!
