Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Better Watch My Back

Today, my classes took their first unit test of the year. On the test I included a section that assessed the vocabulary words that we have covered so far this year. A question required the students to use the word "hesitate" correctly in a complete sentence.

I didn't have any hiccups until one boy, HK, an honors student, raised his hand while taking the test.

HK: "Are you going to be grading these?"

Me: "Of course I'm going to grade them."

HK: "Oh, okay, I just wanted to make sure."

It struck me odd that he would ask that, but I moved on with my day. As I was grading his class's tests during a later period, I figured out why he wanted to know if I was grading them.

Response: "Before TPing Mr. Lowe's house, we all hesitated for a moment to think of the possible consequences."

I better get my hose and flood lights ready for the assault. Except that I have his address, but he doesn't have mine, so I might go on the offensive. HK won't even know what hit him.

Other funny responses:
TP: "I predict that we will beat Snowden on Monday because I'm sick and tired of losing." (He's the starting quarterback of the 0-3 football team)

KJ: "I predict that B & R will win homecoming king and queen because they are the perfect couple." (Young love)

And DR's gems...he mos def got an F.
Question: "What does AIMS stand for?"
Answer: "Am I Missing Something?"
DR's Response: "It's a disease."

Question: "What does ISLAND stand for?"
Answer: "I'm So Lost And Need Details."
DR's Response: "Where ppl go for vacations."

Question: "Find two examples each of direct and indirect characterization."
Answer: "Anything remotely associated to ANY character in the story."
DR's Response: "Yes."

Oi vey, he's got some work to do.

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